Brief subject description:
Nevstřebatelný chirurgický šicí materiál pletený potahovaný polyamid nebo polyester
Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
prostřednictvím elektronického nástroje E-ZAK (
Name | CRN | Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation | Tender price in CZK without VAT |
Tender price in CZK with VAT |
Excluded |
B. Braun Medical s.r.o. | 48586285 | Czech Republic | n/a | n/a | No |
CHIRANA T. Injecta, s.r.o. | 26216469 | Czech Republic | n/a | n/a | No |
MEDISERVIS s.r.o. | 27201864 | Czech Republic | n/a | n/a | No |
Date of contract conclusion: 26.07.2019
Name | CRN | Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation | Contractual price in CZK without VAT |
Contractual price in CZK with VAT |
B. Braun Medical s.r.o. | 48586285 | Czech Republic | n/a | n/a |
Contract performance year | Price in CZK without VAT | Price in CZK with VAT |
2019 | n/a | 100 721,00 |
2020 | 148 212,36 | n/a |