Contract: Oprava sanitního vozidla FIAT 9U3 4463 ZDS UL

Contract information

Public documents

Overview of public documents

Title Description File name Size
Contract, its changes and amendments
Oprava sanitního vozidla FIAT 9U3 4463 ZDS UL Oprava sanitního vozidla FIAT 9U3 4463 ZDS UL Dokument PDF DOPRCV_OBJ 3600067202_9U3 4463_OPRAVA PO DN_ZDS UL_OCR.pdf 436.54 KB

Contract participants

Name CRN Address Contractual price
in CZK without VAT
Contractual price
in CZK with VAT
SMAŽÍK NORD s.r.o. 26425408 Drážďanská 827/76, 40007 Ústí nad Labem 43 105,62 52 157,80

Contract amendments

no amendments to display