DBID: 11086
Registration number: 2600139053
Date of contract conclusion: 22.07.2022
Contract ID in ISRS:
Framework agreement: No
Multilateral contract: No
Metadata anonymisation: No
Contracting authority is: payer
Price in CZK without VAT: 6 375,20
Price in CZK with VAT: 7 714,00
Výmlba odborných ambulancí + sklad - Úrazová chirurgie, 3.NP, budova B, MNUL
Name | CRN | Address | Contractual price in CZK without VAT |
Contractual price in CZK with VAT |
Lukáš Novotný | 70140171 | Na Rozárce 984, 56401 Žamberk | 6 375,20 | 7 714,00 |