Contract: kzdc Objednávka 6600040482

Contract information

state in E-ZAK Published
The contract is publicly accessible.

DBID: 10475
Date of contract conclusion: 17.05.2022
Contract ID in ISRS: 18957499
Framework agreement: No
Multilateral contract: No
Metadata anonymisation: No
Contracting authority is: payer
Price in CZK without VAT: 51 900,00
Price in CZK with VAT: 57 090,00

Title (subject)

kzdc Objednávka 6600040482

Brief description

pravidelné čištění septiku pod budovou chirurgie v nemocnici Děčín
Krajská zdravotní a.s. - Nemocnice Děčín o.z.

Contracting authority

  • Official name: Krajská zdravotní, a.s.
  • CRN: 25488627
  • Postal address:
    Sociální péče 3316/12A
    401 13, Ústí nad Labem
  • Name of the department: Registr smluv - pověřené osoby
  • Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: 60050521

Public documents

Contract participants

Name CRN Address Contractual price
in CZK without VAT
Contractual price
in CZK with VAT
David Spilka 49890581 Drážďanská 26, 40502 Děčín 51 900,00 57 090,00

Contract amendments